Kuper Academy - A world view
The idea for a speaker series first came to light in the fall of 2003 when Kuper staff members attended a regimental lecture at the Cote des Neiges Armoury. That experience became the impetus for inviting notable speakers, on an annual basis, to address the high school student body. Officially beginning in 2005 as a joint school and parent initiative, the International Speaker Series was created to expose students to Canadians who have been seen on the world stage.
The impact of the Speaker Series cannot be overestimated. High school students and parents alike have had the exceptional opportunity of sharing Romeo Dallaire's experience as a witness to the Rwanda genocide, as well as David Frum's unique view from Washington as the events of the 9/11 tragedy unfolded. Dr. Somerville provided a deep understanding of scientific ethical issues, while Marc Kielburger's stirring narrative of the 'Me To We' mantra touched students and galvanized them to action.
Recent speakers have included Dick Pound, who placed gold medals around our Canadian Olympic athletes’ necks, Mr. Jacques Menard, CEO of BMO, who provided insight into the challenges that future generations will be facing, and Hermann Gruenwald, the last prisoner to leave the Auschwitz concentration camps, who stressed the importance of overcoming hardships and nurturing resilience. Mr. Lloyd Robertson shared his thoughts about life and spoke of his memorable experiences as a national news anchor, while the Right Honorable Prime Minister Brian Mulroney shared his thoughts of an era spent in Candian politics.