Frequently Asked Questions:
No. Kuper Academy holds a permit from the Ministry of Education but does not receive any government funding. Hence it is able to accept students who do not hold a certificate of eligibility.
950 students. 400 in the preschool/elementary and 550 in the high school.
Yes. We have a chef and a staff who manage a full service cafeteria providing hot lunch and snacks daily.
Yes. There is an after school daycare program available for students in the Early Learning Pavilion and the elementary school at a supplemental charge. Tax receipts are provided.
Kuper Academy operates a campus store, the Kuper Kloset, that is open throughout the year. The school has a mandatory full dress uniform as well as a summer uniform. The elementary also has a gym uniform that is worn on gym days.
Yes. The high school offers free tutorials on a daily basis. Math tutorials occur after school from Monday through Thursday.
Yes. A mandatory iPad program is in place for grades 5 through 9. All other grades have access to iPad carts
All children from kindergarten through grade 11 must successfully complete an entrance exam in order to be admitted.
Yes. We have a behavioural technician at the elementary level and a guidance counselor available daily at the high school. An academic advisor guides students in their post secondary study choices.